Power to Choose
We are all about giving women the Power to Choose, and we invite our dedicated community of supporters to do the same.
Your generous contributions can be directed towards the initiative that resonates most with you, creating a targeted and meaningful impact.
Nights of Safety
Your gift provides a secure bed for a woman or child in one of our emergency shelters. By offering a safe place to flee violence, you are saving lives. Further, once families have reached safety, with this gift you're also providing access to the services they need to move forward.
Restart Bundle
Your Restart Bundle purchases all of the “Rebuild a life” category items (excluding First Month’s Rent), giving a family the resources and training needed to make a successful and healthy fresh start.
Gift Cards
Your gift allows a woman the freedom and flexibility to purchase what she needs when she needs it – to rebuild life for herself and her children. You’re placing decision making power into her hands.
Trauma Counselling
Individual counseling sessions with a professionally trained therapist can help women begin to heal – and in time, find the strength to begin a new life.
Schools for Change
This gift has long-term effects for families and individuals, providing education about preventing violence and abuse.
Children's Individual Counselling
Your gift helps a child process her/his experience, learn healthy boundaries, and positively manage feelings. This gift helps to break cycles of violence.
Kitchenware Starter Set
Families arrive at Yellow Brick House with few possessions. Your gift provides the basics necessary to cook for a family.
First Months Rent
Starting over is difficult, especially without access to savings. Your gift helps a mother with the first month’s rent for her new home, allowing her to begin new work and support her family.